Training Services
Dog Training is a life style change, it must be put into practice and use on a daily basis over a period of time, in order for it to be perfected and become automatic.
What I Offer
Service Dog Coaching
Training with the handler.
This Program consists of everything from ADA Law, how-to & when to train your SDiT (don't worry I'll teach you what that means too!)
Training basics for both humans and canines like Body language, and Marker training.
Potty training
Social Skills
Basic - Advance Obedience
Leash Walking
All the behavior skills needed to pass the following:
Canine Good Citizen
Off Leash training
Public Access Test
Task Skills and Work
Teaching your dog how to use their nose, feet, and/or body to help you with your disability.
Most service dog program trained dogs cost upwards of $30,000. I know that is just not something that most people have. Therefore I charge a fraction of that. I do have to charge for my time and experience.
$250 a month - payments are set up on a recurring subscription payment plan. Bi-weekly appointment
If you have a dog already a temperament test is required, which is covered in your deposit. If you would like to pay for the temperament test before paying the deposit it will be $75 and be deducted from your deposit.
If you need a dog, I will be happy to help you find a dog but the full deposit must be paid, and you are responsible for the cost of the dog but I will do the legwork to find a suitable candidate.
A Contract is required, and all payments are done on a recurring invoice.
The price may vary depending on the level of training and age of the dog.
Therapy Dog Training
For individuals that would to go to nursing homes and hospitals with their dogs to visit other people. These are not Service Dogs. you need permission for them to go in a public place.
This program depends on how much training your dog has already had. We start with an Evaluation ($75) where I will determine how much you and your dog already know and what would be needed training wise to be able to pass the AKC Canine Good Citizen test as well as the Therapy Dog Certification.
$250 a month - payments are set up on a recurring subscription payment plan. Bi-weekly appointment
For therapists that would like to learn to use their dogs in their practice or councilors in schools.
1 hour appointments in your home, office or school every other week for 26 appointments.
Training basics for both humans and canines like Body language, and Marker training.
Potty training
Social Skills
Basic - Advance Obedience
Leash Walking
All the behavior skills needed to pass the following:
Canine Good Citizen
Therapy Dog Certification Testing.
Practice specific skills such as Anxiety/Depression alerts, Behavior interrupts, reading dog behaviors.
I maintain a Facebook group where I post pictures and videos of the training I do.
This program is $3000 and is billed as follows:
$250 a month - payments are set up on a recurring subscription payment plan.
If you have a dog already a temperament test is required, which is covered in your deposit. If you would like to pay for the temperament test before paying the deposit it will be $75 and be deducted from your deposit.
If you need a dog, I will be happy to help you find a dog but the full deposit must be paid, and you are responsible for the cost of the dog but I will do the legwork to find a suitable candidate.
A Contract is required, and all payments are done on a recurring subscription.
The price may vary depending on the level of training and age of the dog.
Manners Training
6 lesson programs for various aspects of life. All lessons are private 1-on-1 with you and your dog. My Poodle partner Kona will step in from time to time when social interactions are needed.
Potty Training
$75 Virtual Training session. Video call where we can talk about your puppy set up as well as me teaching you how to set healthy potty habits with your puppy.
Potty First, then Play.
Using Bells
Using Doggy Doors
Feeding Schedules
Crate Training
Social Manners
$600 (for each level) private 1-on-1 lessons done either in your home or in a dog-friendly location.
Level 1
Beginning level behaviors to help our dogs learn to control their instincts to better fit into our homes.
Name Game
Release Words
Environmental Check-ins
Leave it - in hand and on floor
Sit, Down, Stand
Relaxation with distractions
Sit for Greetings
Loose Leash Walking
Name Game to Recall
*At the end of this course you can choose to test for AKC Canine Good Citizen
Level 2
In this course we will take the level 1 behaviors even further as well as adding some new stuff.
Heeling for Beginners​
Building Impulse Control with Greetings
Wait at Open Doors
Go to Place
Take it/Drop it
Leave it - Counters & Tables
Impulse Control Games
Long Line Recalls
Distance, Duration & Distractions with all basics
Fading Lures
Trick of your choice
Level 3
Focus on attention while heeling as well as beginning to work off leash heeling.
Attention Heeling
Body Orientation while Heeling
Left side ​
Right side
Front sit
Pace Changes​
Off Leash Boundaries
Rock Solid Recalls
Hind end awareness with Heeling
Sit, Down, Stand from a distance
Trading treats for Life Rewards
3 Tricks of your choice
I evaluate tricks for Do More with Your Dog. We work tricks in my Facebook group.
For more information on Tricks, email me at dog.trainer.girl@gmail.com
Dog training is not about the end result, it's about how well you paced your journey with your dog to learn a new way of life!